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Education & Child care


“Choosing a child care provider is a big decision.”

  That’s why the Child Care Resource & Referral (CCRR) program exists. For more than 20 years, we’ve provided families with free child care information and referrals to local facilities. From explaining your options to assisting with child care subsidy processes, we’re here to help.


YMCA Child Care Resource & Referral


The YMCA CCRR is funded by the Province of British Columbia, and administered by the YMCA of Greater Vancouver.


Offer various types of support for families searching for child care including:

  • Child care referrals based on your family’s individual needs from our database of licensed family or group child care, or registered licence not required (RLNR) family child care providers
  • Information and assistance regarding the provincial Child Care Subsidy
  • Tips on how to choose and evaluate child care programs
  • An informative and fun blog that includes parent articles, educational opportunities and family events
  • Information about local community resources and programs, such as family drop-ins, public health nurses, early intervention programs and much more

Additional Child Care Information:


 Burnaby Child Care Policy

“… child care is a comprehensive service to children and their families that supplements the care that children receive from their families.  As a supplement to family care, professional child care is in no way a substitute for such care nor a competitor for the role of parents in the upbringing of their children. To some extent, professional child care represents a version of the extended family, one which is compatible with and adapted to the social realities of the modern world.” ~From their website (PDF)


If you’re a parent who wonders what is quality childcare?

  • If you’re a parent who wonders what is quality childcare? What questions should I ask? Please click here for important tips: Child Care Brochure FINAL 2016.

Fraser Health Authority

Find out about the different types of licensed child care program and licensing requirements. Safe, quality, child care that fits your child and you. Or, are you applying for a license? Looking for a child care facility in your area? Check out their website. 

City of Burnaby

  • Comprehensive information on quality child care centres, and more visit: Children and Child Care
  • Finding Child Care in Burnaby. Children Learn Through Play! (PDF)
  • Child Care resources and parenting information: (PDF)
  • Preschool Guide – programs for Fall 2015, Winter and Spring 2016 (PDF)

Burnaby Child Care Resources Group

  •  The Child Care Resources Group is a subcommittee of the Social Issues Committee (PDF), with its main function being to:
    • Serve as an advisory body to the Social Issues Committee on child care policies, services and programs;
    • Assist with the development of Burn by child care policies, services and programs; and
    • Act as an advocate for child care services and programs in Burnaby.

Find out more about services and resources!